Trends to Embrace (And what to let go!)
Mindful Working & Mental Health
5 Health Symptoms Women Shouldn’t Ignore
Changing Your Body In Your 50's.
Over-50 Women With Ridiculously Good Style
Being There When The Call Comes. No Matter What!
What you believe about sleep may be nothing but a pipe dream.
To eat eggs or not to eat eggs? That is the question!
Dressing for Networking
Makeup Secrets for Older Women
my mother. my muse.
Patty's Bummer Summer
Best and Worst Time to Eat for Lasting Weight Loss
7 Incredible Benefits of Lifting Weights
Always Fabulous: Tom Ford SS 19
Do You Need to Lift Heavy to Build Muscle?
This is what successful people do when making small talk
From Dallas to Dior
The Connection Between Heart Health and Stress
A Whole Lot of Sunshine!